• 12 Bimberi Street, Truganina 3031 Victoria
  • hello@24x7electrical.com.au

How the system works

The Reclaim Energy CO2 Heat Pump Hot Water System consists of a heat pump (compressor) and a storage tank (stainless steel or glass lined). The system’s heat exchange collects heat from the air surrounding the unit to use as energy to heat up a pressurised refrigerant, which is ozone friendly CO2. The unit can supply in excess of five units of heat energy from ambient air for every unit of electricity it consumes, meaning the cost of energy used to produce hot water is minimised. The CO2 Heat Pump has excellent cold weather performance characteristics, meaning there is no need for a boosting element to supplement heating for the unit.

Massive power savings

3.6kW electrical input to create 3.6kW thermal output
0 kw
1kW electrical input to create 5kW thermal output
0 kw
Combining the system with your PV system (Solar Power System) only enhances the reduction in energy consumption and costs. The Reclaim Energy CO2 Heat Pump with an average of 3 kWh electric input for a 315 L hot water delivery (i.e. as opposed to 15 kWh electric input requirement of electric element tanks for 315 L hot water delivery) is like having a virtual battery for your home. It is designed to consume excess PV during peak sun hours to maximise savings and take advantage of the energy already created rather than exporting it back to the grid.
A Smart Controller puts the control in your hands and ensures that the Reclaim Energy CO2 Heat Pump Hot Water System provides a highly efficient, low operating cost hot water solution. The controller allows the customisation of how and when the hot water system works.
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  • 5 pre-set options including PV operational window (i.e. 10 am-4 pm) together with an option 5 with two operational windows allows you to minimise and match your hot water production with your consumption and minimising your hot water costs
  • One-shot boost providing all the hot water needed on demand
  • Off peak management ensures running costs are kept to a minimum
  • Continuous hot water with a set and forget feature

Optional Wi-Fi Controller upgrade brings you 8 pre-set options including:

  • Holiday Mode to minimise your energy usage and costs

The Reclaim Energy CO2 Heat Pump Hot Water System Advantages

Top down Heat Pump return heating for quick water recovery because constant hot water from heat pump is returning to the top of the tank (i.e. unlike electric systems where elements are bottom and heat is generated from the bottom of tank and hot water is not available in the next 2-3 hours of element activation)


Introducing our controllers with industry leading interactive technology putting the power in your hands!

Choose to optimise your PV generation, or for households without PV, set the unit to operate on the cheapest tariffs to ensure the household energy budget is controlled. The single shot boost feature guarantees that no matter what option is chosen, you will never be without hot water.
Optional upgrade to a Wi-Fi Controller!
In all options, the heat pump turn-on is based on 59°C temperature on the tank thermistor for the first cycle of day (i.e. if temperature less than 59°C, turn on the heat pump to reach 59°C- to meet the legionella requirement daily) and the second cycle turn on temperature is 37°C. In all options, the heat pump can run less or more than the operation window when/if the set point temperature of 59°C is reached.

Controller v1.1

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6 Operational Modes

Option 1: 24 hours – Continuous
Option 2: 9 hours (Off-Peak mode 1: 10pm – 7am)
Option 3: 6 hours (Off-Peak mode 2: 12am – 6am)
Option 4: 6 hours (10am – 4pm)
Option 5:
 Timer (Two-Zones)Option 6: Remote (One Shot Boost)

Controller v2 Wi-Fi

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8 Operational Modes

  • Option 1: 24 hours – Continuous
  • Option 2: 9 hours (Off-Peak mode 1: 10pm – 7am)
  • Option 3: 6 hours (Off-Peak mode 2: 12am – 6am)
  • Option 4: 6 hours (10am – 4pm)
  • Option 5: Timer (Two-Zones)
  • Option 6: Timer (Two-Zones) & Multiple Temperature Control
  • Option 7: Remote (One Shot Boost)
  • Option 8: Holiday Mode – one day/time set per week to meet legionella control
Key Features
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6 Operational Modes allow you to take control over your energy costs and consumption

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For worry free hot water

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Multiple Timer and Temperature Control ensures complete flexibility

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Smart independent controller design

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Seamless integration with your PV/Home Management System

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Managed 7 days a week, 365 days a year



Key Features
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8 Operational Modes allow you to take control over your energy costs and consumption

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For worry free hot water

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Minimise your energy usage for reduced hot water energy costs

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Multiple Timer and Temperature Control ensures complete flexibility

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Real-Time Usage and Consumption Reporting with weekly trends for tank temperature, ambient temperature, and power usage (both kW and Amps)

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Smart independent controller design and Reclaim User App control

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Seamless integration with your PV/Home Management System

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Reclaim Energy User videos controlling your Heat Pump made easy, right from the start, putting the power in the palm of your hand

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Instant notification to Reclaim User and our Tech Team of any errors, brings peace of mind

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FREE Reclaim Energy App

Available for iOS & Android mobile phones

Reclaim-Icon-Support-rgb-grey--24x7 Electrical Services

Managed 7 days a week, 365 days a year



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Storage Tanks

The Reclaim Energy CO2 Heat Pump Hot Water System caters for all Australian conditions with Stainless Steel and Glass Lined Enamel storage tanks available.
Stainless Steel
  • Available in two variations – Tall and Squat
  • Suitable for all non-high mineral, or bore water applications
Glass Lined Enamel
  • Suitable for all water types, including high mineral and bore water
  • Enamel coated, so no matter where you live it will suit your needs

Storage Tank Size Guide

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The Reclaim Energy CO2 Heat Pump Hot Water System is the perfect hot water solution

Here’s why …

  • Average annual energy savings of up to 80% for hot water heating
  • Average daily consumption of 3 kWh electric energy for 315L hot water delivery
  • Top-down heating and fast hot water production: 110 L/hr
  • Up to 6 years warranty on heat pump and 15 years warranty on tank**
  • Save even more with Rebates
  • Quietest system on the market with an average noise level of 37dB
  • Ozone friendly CO2 refrigerant
  • Built-in frost control operation
  • Built in legionella control operation
  • Smart top down heating mechanism for faster hot water access and recovery
  • Superb cold weather performance

* Estimates based on results of field trials carried out in Australia across 2018. Energy usage per household will vary based on individual requirements and location.

** Reclaim Energy Stainless Steel Tanks come with a 15-year warranty.

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Energy and Cost Savings – a real life example from VIC, Australia

A 315 litre electric hot water tank was replaced by a Reclaim Energy CO2 Heat Pump.
Solar Analytics was already in place so that real data was available for usage before and after the Reclaim Energy CO2 Heat Pump installation.
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While the previous system installed was an electric element water heater, a comparative cost and performance analysis includes a wide variety of hot water systems.

Annual running costs were reduced by 80%:

  • Before Heat Pump installation: $1,800 per year electricity bill
  • After Heat Pump installation: $350 per year electricity bill
  • A reduction of $1,450 per year

Payback for the Reclaim Energy CO2 Heat Pump would range from 2 to 3 years, depending on the current electric system cost and electricity prices.

Daily power consumption was reduced by over 80%:
  • Before Heat Pump installation: 14-20kWh/day
  • After Heat Pump installation: 2-4kWh/day
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Water supply quality


Water quality is an important aspect that can influence the systems operations and functionality. For the system to be warranted the water used in the system must meet the requirements outlined in the table.

If you have doubts regarding water quality please contact your local water authority or have a water test completed. In areas of poor water quality all major components will have a reduced life due to the hardness of the water. In areas with “hard water” (>200 mg/L or ppm), a water softening device must be installed to ensure the long term efficient operation of the system is met. Note that the Reclaim Energy glass-lined tank has a sacrificial anode to protect the vessel from corrosion. The glass line tank warranty is linked to an anode inspection that must be carried out every three (3) years.

Element Value
Total Dissolved Solids < 600 mg/L or ppm
Total Hardness (CaCO3) < 200 mg/L or ppm
Electrical Conductivity 850 µS/cm
Chloride < 300 mg/L or ppm
pH Level Min 6.5 to Max. 8.5
Magnesium < 10 mg/L or ppm
Sodium < 150 mg/L or ppm
Iron < 1mg/L or ppm
Alkalinity (as CaCO3) < 200 mg/L or ppm
Dissolved (free) CO2 < 25 mg/L or ppm

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